Anda Adam
Anda Adam chose RYA teas to quickly and healthily eliminate excess pounds and to support the immune system in the cold season.

Anda Adam
Anda Adam chose RYA teas to support the immune system in the cold season to prevent viruses and colds

Anda Adam
Anda Adam chose RYA teas to strengthen the immune system in the cold season.

Anda Adam
Anda Adam chose RYA teas for strengthening the immune system both for her and for little Evelin.

Andreea Ilie
For smooth and thin legs, without the appearance of an orange peel and a flat abdomen, the mezzo-soprano Andreea Ilie consumes 1 liter of Rya Weight Loss tea daily.

Andreea Ilie
To support the immune system, avoid seasonal viruses cold and extra energy,
mezzo-soprano Andreea Ilie consumes Rya immunity teas
6 months a year.

Raluca Badulescu
Raluca Badulescu has chosen RYA teas for the inhibition of food and sweet cravings, for effective hydration and for a healthy lifestyle.

Raluca Badulescu
Raluca Badulescu consumes 2 bottles of RYA slimming tea daily to maintain her ideal weight.

Amme Music
Amme Music chose the range of RYA teas that helped her lose weight quickly and healthily. During the cold season, to support the immune system, Amme Music consumes RYA immunity teas daily.

Oana Roman
Oana Roman consumes RYA teas for immunity in the cold season to prevent any kind of viruses. Oana Roman also chose the children's immunity tea for little Isa for a strong immune system in the cold season.

Ozana Barabancea
Ozana Barabancea consumes RYA teas daily to eliminate extra pounds and water retention in the body, but also to strengthen the immune system.

Ozana Barabancea
The bottle with RYA infuser together with the pouch type cover, helps Ozana Barabancea to be able to prepare and administer her RYA tea from any place.

Vica Blochina
To strengthen the immune system, after the difficult period that Vica Blochina went through after leaving Survivor, Vica consumes the RYA immunity tea every day and every day she has more energy.

Vica Blochina
Vica Blochina reveals to us how she quickly and healthily removes excess pounds.

Vica Blochina
To eliminate the kilograms accumulated during the cold season and during the holidays, Vica Blochina consumes 2 bottles of RYA Weight Loss tea daily.

Vica Blochina
Vica Blochina revealed to us how she quickly regained her energy and strength after the difficult period she went through on Survivor.

Andreea Lazar
To inhibit food and sweet cravings, eliminate excess water from the body, regulate digestion and increase energy, Andreea Lazar consumes 2 bottles of RYA Weight Loss tea daily.

Andreea Lazar
Andreea Lazar chose RYA teas, 100% natural products, to fight the pounds, eliminate excess water from the body, but also to support the immune system.

Kamara, the lead singer of the Alb Negru band, chose RYA teas for strengthening the immune system, regulating the functions of the liver and bile, regulating digestion and increasing energy.

Silvana Rîciu
Silvana Rîciu consumes RYA teas daily to maintain the immune system, eliminate extra pounds and water retention in the body, regulate digestion and increase energy.

How did Ellatina get to have a very good immune system?

Larisa Popa
How did Larisa Popa lose weight?

Radu Andrei Tudor
Radu Andrei Tudor, the presenter of Jurnalu Kanal D2, chose the range of RYA teas for a healthy lifestyle. The TV presenter chose RYA teas to support the immune system but also to eliminate extra pounds.

Liana Stanciu
Liana Stanciu, prezentatoare de radio si televiziune, consuma zilnic 2 sticle RYA de ceai pentru slabit, pentru inhibarea poftei de mancare si poftei de dulce!

Lavinia Stoica
Lavinia Stoica a spus ADIO kilogramelor in plus si retentiei de apa prin administrarea zilnica a 2 sticle RYA ceai pentru slabit!

Olguta Berbec
Pentru a preveni raceala si virozele, OLGUTA BERBEC impreuna cu fetita ei consuma zilnic ceaiurile RYA pentru imunitate.

MIRA ne dezvaluie secretul ei contra racelii: ,, Ceaiurile RYA VITA ma ajuta foarte mult la imunitate si vi le recomand cu mare drag si incredere! Sunt foarte usor de preparat datorita sticlei borosilicate cu infuzor care are si un design superb, iar husa tip poseta este extrem de practica!”

MIRA a gasit solutia pentru un corp perfect in perioada verii – ceaiurile pentru slabit RYA!

Oana Roman
In sezonul rece, OANA ROMAN impreuna cu fetita ei Isa, nu au avut parte de nicio raceala intrucat au consumat zilnic ceaiurile pentru imunitate RYA!

Oana Roman
OANA ROMAN a spus ADIO racelilor si virozelor, in sezonul rece, cu ajutorul ceaiurilor pentru imunitate RYA!

Pentru un abdomen plat, o talie de clepsidra, picioare netede si subtiri, fara aspect de coaja de portocala, AMME consuma zilnic 2 sticle de ceai RYA pentru slabit.

Lavinia Stoica
LAVINIA STOICA a gasit solutia pentru un corp perfect sculptat si sanatos!
Redefineste-ti silueta si imunizeaza-te cu ceaiurile RYA!

Andreea Lazar
ANDREEA LAZAR a gasit solutia pentru pierderea in greutate intr-un mod natural – ceaiurile pentru slabit RYA – sunt o cale eficienta, naturala si sanatoasa pentru pierderea rapida in greutate, fara a necesita diete drastice!

Andreea Lazar
Cum a slabit ANDREEA LAZAR 4 kg in 2 saptamani?

Andreea Lazar
Pentru o silueta de invidiat, care intoarce orice privire, ANDREEA LAZAR consuma zilnic 2 sticle RYA ceai pentru slabit.

Oana Roman
OANA ROMAN a ales ceaiurile RYA pentru sustinerea sistemului imunitar in sezonul rece. Sticla cu infuzor si husa tip poseta ii sunt de mare ajutor Oanei pentru ca o ajuta sa isi prepare si consume ceaiul preferat din orice loc.

Avram Gal
Cum a reusit clientul nostru Avram Gal sa slabeasca 25 de kilograme in 3 luni?
Prin administrarea zilnica a 2 sticle Rya ceai pentru slabit!

Avram Gal
Clientul nostru, Avram Gal, consuma zilnic ceaiul pentru imunitate RYA pentru a prevenit orice fel de raceala sau viroza, mai ales in perioada sezonului rece.

Avram Gal
Multumesc ca existati! Mi-ati schimbat viata. Am reusit sa slabesc in cateva luni 25 de kilograme prin administrarea zilnica a 2 sticle Rya ceai pentru slabit. Ceaiul Rya pentru slabit mi-a taiat inca din prima zi pofta de mancare si de dulce, m-a ajutat sa elimin retentia de apa si mi-a reglat digestia. Gustul este foarte bun, fructat. Multumesc, Rya pentru ajutor!!! Sunteti cei mai buni!