Passion fruit helps to stimulate the digestive system, eliminate toxins from the body, contributing to strengthening the immune system. It helps fight infertility, has beneficial effects in the case of high blood pressure, helps prevent heart disease and cancer. The soft seeds that the passion fruit contains are rich in fibers that are easy to digest and prevent the assimilation of bad cholesterol from fatty foods.

The natural green tea extract helps support the metabolism, contributes to weight control and supports the degradation of lipids. The catechins in green tea help control lipid metabolism and support energy consumption. It helps control the absorption of cholesterol and the accumulation of triglycerides and fats. At the same time, green tea contributes to the health of the body by supporting the immune system.

Wild pansy,the plant known since ancient times due to its diuretic and expectorant properties. It has purifying, antiallergic and slightly laxative activity. The preparation from the aerial part of the wild pansy plant is diuretic, purifying, fluidizing, emollient, tonic, decongestant, antiallergic. The aerial parts of the wild pansy plant are used for comfort and support of digestion. It helps to maintain the health of the skin. It contributes to the elimination of toxins and is used in detoxification cures. It supports the normal functioning of the respiratory tract.

Due to the active principles it contains, elderberry, in the form of tea, tincture or juice, has a diuretic and sweating effect, resulting in the elimination of water from the body. It is a laxative (but without the adverse reactions of other laxatives), inhibits appetite (in the long term), being successfully used as an adjunct method in the Weight Loss cure and helps to eliminate cellulite. Having laxative properties and helping to eliminate water from the tissues, tea is good as a natural medicine for obesity. For the same reasons, it is recommended in nervous constipation. Elderberry tea causes intense sweating, weight loss and helps eliminate toxins.

Jerusalem artichoke has, first of all, the extraordinary effect of appetite control, improves intestinal transit, helps eliminate toxins and gives a certain predisposition to physical effort and dynamism. It is a plant predestined for weight loss diets made with tenacity and reason, i.e. the only weight loss regimens with success. Jerusalem artichoke has a mild laxative effect, facilitates digestive processes, allowing the intestinal flora to be balanced. The plant fights constipation, if cures are kept for 2-3 weeks. The inulin in Jerusalem artichoke normalizes the intestinal flora, stimulates intestinal peristalsis, being a mild and at the same time powerful remedy. Being rich in calcium, the rhizome of this plant is recommended for people with osteoporosis.

Hibiscus flowers support the purification of the body, contribute to the elimination of water through the kidney and stimulate brain activity, improving both intellectual and physical efforts. Hibiscus tea reduces the absorption of carbohydrates, which is probably the most important benefit of hibiscus infusion. Hibiscus tea contains phaseolamine, a compound that contributes to weight loss and maintaining a slim figure. This happens by reducing amylase production. Amylase is an enzyme that contributes to the absorption of carbohydrates in the body, especially sugar. Thus, hibiscus tea has the ability to contribute to reducing the absorption of carbohydrates and, therefore, the accumulation of adipose tissue. Hibiscus flower teas are diuretic, tonic, comforting, laxative. They can take the place of morning coffee, having, at the same time, and a beneficial action to combat high blood pressure and stress. These teas are also indicated in digestive disorders, as well as in states of prolonged physical and mental fatigue. Mixed with rosehips rich in vitamin C, as well as other forest fruits, hibiscus flower teas are not only a medicinal product beneficial for the whole body, but also a highly nutritious food.

Apples are rich in pectin, a natural fiber that helps regulate blood sugar levels and eliminate fats. Apples contain good doses of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential nutrients that help speed up metabolism to burn fat more easily. The benefits of apple tea include its ability to boost immunity, reduce inflammation or help with weight loss. Apples are a blood purifier and an intestinal antiseptic, because they favor the secretion of a bactericidal intestinal diastasis. They stimulate enzyme activity and are slightly laxative. In our combination, we also took into account the effects of the apple aroma and the sweet taste, which round off the flavor of the formula in such a way that there is no need to use sugar or other sweeteners.

Licorice satisfies hunger and acts as a mild laxative, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. It helps to maintain the balance and comfort of the digestive systems of people with sensitive digestions. Licorice is useful for the entire digestive system. This plant brings benefits in improving the symptoms of indigestion and can be useful in treating gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder. The roots contain, in addition to active principles, impressive amounts of minerals and vitamins, which are quickly taken over and processed by the body. In this way, resistance to stress increases and the sensations of physical and mental helplessness, fatigue and overwork disappear. Also, through the content of glycyrrhizic acid, it contributes to the normalization of cholesterol and body weight. Licorice has a diuretic and laxative effect, fluidizes secretions.

Hip rose fruits can be a reliable ally for overweight or obese people. They help the normal functioning of the intestinal tract and digestion, and also help the physical well-being. Rose hips are an excellent vitaminizer that ensures the normal functioning of the body, removes toxins from the body, restores capillaries, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillary vessels, helps the functioning of the endocrine glands, stimulates bile activity, dilates the arteries, restores circulation up to the level of the brain. They are rich in vitamin C, especially support the immune system, increase the body's resistance and improve the general condition in a natural way.

Konjac contributes to the maintenance of normal bowel/colon function. It helps ensure healthy digestive functions. This plant induces the feeling of satiety, reduces appetite, increases the viscosity and volume of gastric contents, due to the high capacity of this fiber to absorb water. Konjac also helps to reduce acne and improve skin health.

Cranberries contain genuine sources of organic acids, which have the property of reducing fat deposits, helping, in this way, to eliminate extra pounds. In a weight loss diet, cranberry juice is the most used. Cranberries improve metabolism and the digestive system, and this will help you lose extra pounds easily. Due to the antioxidant properties of the Cranberry fruit, which increase the level of HDL (good cholesterol), the level of cardiac risk can be reduced simultaneously with the regulation of the normal level of cholesterol. The antioxidants they contain fight against free radicals that accelerate the aging process. They have an effect on the immune system thanks to the antioxidants that work to eliminate toxins.

Lemon balm has strong calming and therapeutic effects on the digestive system. Indigestion, bloating and diarrhea are just three gastrointestinal ailments that can be treated with mullein tea, due to its soothing properties. Lemon balm with a sweet aroma, similar to that of lemon, is used in herbal teas, for easy digestion and tranquility, offering a necessary state of well-being in the conditions of stress to which we are subjected on a daily basis. In traditional medicine it is used as a remedy for psycho-emotional regulation, normalization of cardiac function, improvement of cognitive processes and harmonization of psycho-emotional state.

Senna stimulates intestinal transit in a gentle way, without creating electrolyte imbalances or irritating the colon mucosa. From the plant, the leaves and/or fruits of the Cassia angustifolia and Cassia acutifolia species , legumes originating in Africa, are used . It stimulates intestinal motility, especially that of the large intestine and decreases the absorption of water and electrolytes. At the same time, this plant helps to maintain the mobility and flexibility of the joints.
Jean Dima
Sunt foarte bune ambele arome dar fructul pasiunii e preferatul meu. Minus 3 kg in 3 săptămâni.
Buna! Le consuma sotul meu si este foarte mulțumit de ele. Ii dau energie si il ajuta in cura de slabit. Plus ca stie ca se hidratează zilnic. Sunt super bune ambele arome
Sandu Chistila
04/04/2023Tare de tot
In doua săptămâni am slabit 6 kilograme fara dieta sau sport. De azi am inceput si dieta, sper sa revin rapid cu rezultatele noi. Ambele arome sunt bune dar fructul pasiunii e preferatul meu.
Preda E.
Buna ziua ! Va anunt că datorită ceaiurilor dumneavoastră am slabit 3 kg într-o săptămână.
Chirițoiu Adelin
04/03/2023Așa da
Gustul este waw îmi dă foarte multa energie și am scăpat de pofta de dulciuri.lam introdus în rutina zilnică.
Încă din prima zi, mi-a tăiat pofta de mâncare și de dulce . In 2 săptămâni am slăbit 5 kg . Îmi place foarte mult pentru ca mi a reglat și digestia .
Recomand cu incredere
Andreea Gheorghe
Are un gust super bun . Ma ajutat sa slabesc intr-un timp scurt. Mi-a reglat digestia si voi continua sa il folosesc deoarece este un produs suta la suta natural. Il recomand