RYA teas for Immunity

5 months ago, I found out about RYA teas for immunity. Since I was dealing with the problem of low immunity and every cold season I had colds at least 2 times, I made the decision to test these teas, especially since the products are 100% natural. What I liked initially was the fact that both teas, both the one with lemon and the one with papaya, taste very good, and the infuser bottle is extremely practical, you can prepare and administer the tea from anywhere. The purse-type cover is also very helpful, which helps you easily carry the tea anywhere. I can say that during this entire period of 5 months, I haven't had any kind of cold or flu, the teas give me very good energy and concentration and I managed to give up coffee because I have enough energy from teas. What I really liked about these products is the fact that they contain the most effective ingredients that are recommended for supporting the immune system. I think it's amazing that all these ingredients (which are quite a lot) are included in a single product that is so effective and tasty. I warmly recommend them.

About 4 years ago I had a very strong cold. Since then, I was left with a very high sensitivity, and practically caught colds very easily and often during the year. On the recommendation of a female pharmacist, I purchased the 2 RYA immunity teas. I want to point out that I feel very good since taking them in the sense that for 4 months (even in the cold season) I haven't caught a cold at all and I have a very high energy and power of concentration. What I like about these teas, apart from the fact that they are very effective and tasty, is the fact that they can be administered both hot and cold, the taste and effects are maintained. Another very important aspect for me is the borosilicate glass with infuser that helps me prepare and administer my tea from any place.
RYA teas for Weight Loss

MARIA, 33 YEARS OLD (60 KG – 52 KG)
After the pregnancy, I was left with quite a few extra kilos and I wanted a natural product that would help me get rid of the extra kilos quickly. Thus, in 2 months I managed to eliminate 8 kilograms with the help of RYA Weight Loss teas. I liked the taste of the two teas very much from the beginning, so I became inseparable from RYA teas and the borosilicate glass with infuser. From the first day of administration, they cut my appetite for food and sweets and I started eating much less. I also saw results in terms of bloating and swollen legs, the teas helped me quickly eliminate water retention from the body. Rya teas give me extra energy during the day, which is why I replaced coffee with them. At the same time, RYA teas helped me to solve the problem of constipation.

I made the decision to lose weight because I had started to face various health problems due to the extra pounds, especially in my spine and knees. I found out about the RYA Weight Loss teas and since I understood that they are 100% natural products that contain only medicinal plants and dehydrated fruits, I decided to test them. I administered 1 liter of tea daily, as indicated, and in 4 months I managed to lose 22 kilograms. RYA teas were of great help to me in the process of losing weight because they reduced my appetite, they helped me in the process of eliminating water retention and normalizing digestion. I strongly recommend RYA teas because I personally had an experience that changed my life for the better and today I feel full of energy and zest for life.
RYA teas for Immunity Children

To support the immune system and not to have to face the viruses to which small children are extremely exposed, little Eva administers 1 cup of tea for immunity daily for 6 months/year and thus her immune system is stronger and the little girl is full of energy.

To avoid the viruses that circulate in children in the cold season, little Riana administers 3 or 4 cups of RYA tea for immunity, 6 months/year, daily. Thus her immune system is stronger and Riana is always full of energy.