Papaya Immunity Tea

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Rya - immunity tea with papaya - is a product made from natural ingredients, which contribute to supporting the immune system, healthy digestion and a normal digestive tract. At the same time, the product contributes to revitalizing and energizing the body, supporting attention and concentration.

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Composition and benefits

Papaya, besides the fact that it is rich in magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and vitamins (A, C and E) and has a higher beta-carotene content than carrot, papaya also has anti-cancer, anti-aging and detoxifying benefits for the body. It is nicknamed the "fruit of the angels" and contains papain, an enzyme that helps digestion and maintains the health of the colon. Antioxidants and vitamins in papaya fruit support the health of the immune system. In addition, the high fiber content of these fruits can reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and stimulate digestion.


Echinacea tea contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and to reducing the risk of contamination with bacteria, fungi and respiratory viruses. The plant is recognized for its proven effectiveness in stimulating the body's immunity by increasing its defense capacity against various infectious agents. Echinacea contains a volatile oil, polysaccharides, resins, antibacterial and antiviral glycosides. Both the flowers and the roots of the plant represent an excellent remedy against respiratory viruses, of flu, bronchitis and other infections, having antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. The plant is an immunostimulator, an antiviral and a topical cicatrizing agent. Its antipathogenic effects are due to a combination of constituent elements that include flavonoids, polysaccharides, phenols, alkylamides and some minerals such as copper, potassium, iodine and iron, together with vitamins A, E and C.


The natural green tea extract helps support the metabolism, contributes to weight control and supports the degradation of lipids. The catechins in green tea help control lipid metabolism and support energy consumption. It helps control the absorption of cholesterol and the accumulation of triglycerides and fats. At the same time, green tea contributes to the health of the body by supporting the immune system.

Astragalus is called an adaptogen, which means that it helps protect the body against various forms of stress, including physical, mental or emotional stress. This plant supports the body's functions in the human body and helps in the normalization of numerous ailments. At the same time, astragalus helps to stimulate the immune system, fight colds and viral infections and is helpful for cardiac patients, lacking energy. Astragalus root contains many minerals (zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium and tin), polysaccharides, glucuronic acid, beta-sitosterol, amino acids, trace elements, flavonoids, antioxidants , saponins, triterpenes, etc. Astragalus is a powerful herb with many health properties. It is stimulating and fortifying, strengthens the immune system, strengthens and warms the body, increases mental, physical and muscular resistance. It is a plant indicated against fatigue, in cold periods, especially in the elderly, which prevents weakening and limits infections and inflammations. It tones the nervous system, calms anxiety and helps the body and heart protect themselves from stress.

Hip rose fruits can be a reliable ally for overweight or obese people. They help the normal functioning of the intestinal tract and digestion, and also help the physical well-being. Rose hips are an excellent vitaminizer that ensures the normal functioning of the body, removes toxins from the body, restores capillaries, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillary vessels, helps the functioning of the endocrine glands, stimulates bile activity, dilates the arteries, restores circulation up to the level of the brain. They are rich in vitamin C, especially support the immune system, increase the body's resistance and improve the general condition in a natural way.

Sea buckthorn is considered one of the plants with exceptional nutritional properties, making it considered miraculous. The antioxidant properties of sea buckthorn recommend it for strengthening the immune system (some specialists believe it is capable of curing respiratory viruses and flu), eye health and preventing aging, regulating the endocrine system, regulating blood lipid levels and reducing inflammation. Buckthorn fruits contain both fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, F, D) unstable in an acidic environment, as well as water-soluble vitamins (C, K, P and the entire B complex) unstable in an alkaline environment. Also known as Romanian ginseng, sea buckthorn has many health benefits. The small, yellow-orange and sour berries contain ten times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. The transition from summer to autumn, as well as the transition from winter to spring, when colds and flu appear, can be easier with sea buckthorn remedies. Rich in vitamins A, B1, C and E, they increase immunity against diseases, drive away fatigue and stimulate appetite.

Lemon balm leaves help the normal functioning of the intestinal tract and contribute to physical well-being. Lemon balm contains a compound called rosmarinic acid that seems to have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Antioxidants help prevent cell damage, while antimicrobials kill infection-causing microorganisms, such as viruses and bacteria.

The benefits of apple tea include its ability to boost immunity, reduce inflammation and aid in weight loss. In our combination, we also took into account the effects of the apple aroma and the sweet taste, which round off the flavor of the formula.

Method of preparation and use

Add 1 teaspoon of herbal mixture in 200/250 ml of boiling water or 1 teaspoon of herbal mixture in 400/500 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, strain and drink gradually throughout the day.

Recommended dose:
Children over 12 years old and adults: 3 or 4 cups of tea per day.
Tea is drunk between meals (until 19:00).

It can be used in courses of 3 months/6 months with a break of 7 days after every 6 weeks.

It is not indicated in autoimmune diseases. It is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to any of the product's ingredients.
It is not administered to pregnant women or nursing mothers, except with the consent and advice of the doctor.
The product is a food supplement and should not replace a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Customer Reviews

5.0 Rated Based on 6 Reviews
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Reviews (6)

6 reviews for Ceai pentru Imunitate cu Papaya

  1. Ilinca


    L-am consumat toata perioada iernii si nu am racit deloc. Menționez ca zilnic am baut 1 litru de ceai, axact asa cum este recomandat. Sănătos,benefic ,plus super delicios

  2. Corina

    Foarte bun

    In timpul unei viroze severe l-am achiziționat, fiind puțin sceptică. Am ramas surprinsa să vad atat de multe ingrediente in compoziție. Coincidență sau nu, dupa 2 zile de administrare vreau sa spun ca ma pus pe picioare.

  3. Sandu


    Ceaiul de imunitate cu papaya este cu mult peste orice asteptare. Este foarte bun la gust, iar legat de ingredientele pe care le-ati folosit in compoziț pot de cat sa spun FELICITĂRI!! Ati folosit cele mai eficiente ingrediente care exista pentru imunitate.

  4. Miruna Lechea


    L-am achiziționat în timpul unei răceli și chiar am văzut o diferență în mai puțin de 2 zile.
    Ceaiul mia dat un plus de energie și efectiv am simțit că mi-am recăpătat puterile.

  5. Mihaela

    Fosrte ok

    Ceaiul cu aroma de Papaya este preferatul meu , are un gust foarte bun îmi da energie și mi-a sporit puterea de concentrare , l-am introdus in rutina mea zilnică .
    Recomand !

  6. Stefanescu Mihai


    Am avut o viroza destul de puternica si mi-a recomadat cineva acest ceai. Pot spune ca dupa doua zile de consum deja se simteau efectele. Este magic, recomand